Legal news from the AlexanderDorrington team
Read news articles and our blogs interpreting legislation, court cases and highlighting property industry trends. Our experts bring you informed opinion and insights.
The Reasonable Landlord
A recent enquiry about a landlord unreasonably withholding consent raised some...
Keep it Brief. No more than 140 characters. That’s 82 already, only 46 to go.
Imagine how difficult it is for lawyers to limit their comments to 140 characters. We face a...
Possession Before Settlement Sometimes on the sale of a residential property, the...
Weathertight Homes – Financial Assistance Package
Another interesting bill was proposed just before Christmas, the “Weathertight Homes Resolution...
Building consents
The Building Act 2004 review continues. The Building Amendment Bill (No 3) had its First...
Gifting your house to the trust, does it really work?
The transfer of homes into trusts is commonplace. It is done every day. People do it to protect...
Construction Contracts Act Review
The Department of Building and Housing is calling for submissions on how well the...
What’s looking likely for the regulations to the Unit Titles Act 2010?
Cabinet has agreed what the regulations to the Unit Titles Act 2010 will cover. It appears we will...
GST A Vendor Can Collect – 12.5% OR 15%
Vendors registered for GST who signed a contract for the sale before 1 October 2010 and for whom...
Subdivisions That Involve Common Areas and Societies
Common areas and the requirement to become a member of a society or a shareholder in a company...
Consent under the Property Law Act 2007
You will recall that a lessor cannot unreasonably withhold or delay consent to an assignment,...
Vendor’s Warranties
The warranty was that “all obligations under the Building Act 1991 were fully complied with” as at...
Legal matters
If you’ve bought or sold property, are building a house, carrying out a property development, leasing a property, are thinking about succession planning, trusts or wills, setting up an EPA, or any other legal issues, these articles may answer some of your questions.