by Marina Sardelic | Feb 20, 2023 | Blog, First time buyers, Sale and Purchase
Progressive Home Ownership Helps Kiwis take their first step onto the property ladder Finally buying and moving into your first home is a milestone many Kiwis dream about. Remember, however, that this will likely be the biggest and most important purchase you...
by AlexanderDorrington | May 24, 2020 | Blog, First time buyers, General property Law, Sale and Purchase
For most people, buying your first home is the single biggest decision they will ever make. It’s no wonder first-home buyers have many questions. Questions are good. You need to be completely comfortable throughout the process. We’ve helped many a nervous...
by Denise Marsden | May 12, 2020 | Blog, First time buyers, General property Law, Sale and Purchase
We’re all excited to move to level 2 on Thursday. Nobody more so than those in the midst of selling or buying property. To help prepare and manage risk in these uncertain times, we’ve put together some extra clauses to consider including in agreements for...
by Denise Marsden | Apr 23, 2020 | Commercial property, First time buyers, General property Law, Sale and Purchase
New Zealand will be at Alert Level 3 from Tuesday 28 April. We will hold at Alert Level 3 for 2 weeks, before Cabinet reviews how we are tracking and makes further decisions on 11 May. What will this mean for property settlements? Residential It appears that the...
by Rachael Stevenson | Nov 26, 2019 | Blog, Building, First time buyers, Sale and Purchase, Uncategorised
Elise Brooks is AlexanderDorrington’s youngest Legal Executive, although she has worked in property law for over five years. After saving and researching the market, the time was right for Elise and her partner to jump on the property ladder. She felt pretty...
by Debra Dorrington | Oct 7, 2019 | Blog, Business Law, First time buyers, General property Law
New Zealanders wishing to enter the property market or to save for their home have often occupied a property while doing it up, then sold it at a profit. Exclusions have meant that the profit made hasn’t been taxed. Now the opportunity to use this process is...