by Debra Dorrington | Oct 24, 2019 | Blog, Cause related
Did you know? According to the Million Metres Streams Project, Virtually nothing can survive in 44% of New Zealand’s polluted monitored lakes? We can’t safely swim in 62% of New Zealand’s lowland rivers because too many pathogens are...
by AlexanderDorrington | Oct 17, 2019 | Blog, Building, General property Law
Building law reform comes in waves in New Zealand, and it appears that a set is forming. In April 2019, MBIE released a comprehensive discussion paper that proposed radical reforms to the building industry. This came in response to a growing sentiment that the...
by Debra Dorrington | Oct 14, 2019 | Blog, Cause related, Fresh Business Thinking, General property Law
Last week I went to a conference. Not a property conference this time, but one about business and climate change. I went to listen, not to be evangelised. To hear what’s happening outside of the business of property and the practice of law. I especially...
by Debra Dorrington | Oct 7, 2019 | Blog, Business Law, First time buyers, General property Law
New Zealanders wishing to enter the property market or to save for their home have often occupied a property while doing it up, then sold it at a profit. Exclusions have meant that the profit made hasn’t been taxed. Now the opportunity to use this process is...
by AlexanderDorrington | Sep 20, 2019 | Blog, Commercial property, Leasing
Residential investors often perceive buying commercial property as the ‘next step up’. Commercial property can be lucrative but it’s far more complex than you may realise. There are a number of important considerations to bear in mind before taking...
by AlexanderDorrington | Sep 12, 2019 | Blog, First time buyers, General property Law, Unit Titles
There has been a significant increase in the number of unit titles throughout New Zealand. They are a form of ownership that is widely accepted by owners and by bankers alike. But they have their own idiosyncrasies so it’s worth taking time to understand how they...