On Monday 16th October our team handled settlements for close to 250 apartments and 30 carparks. This huge piece of work was undertaken for property development client, SugarTree. It is the second stage of a three phase development which bridges the suburbs of Ponsonby, Grey Lynn and Freemans Bay with the hub of the inner city. Purchasers are buying into a sophisticated urban community with retail on the ground level and apartments with great views above.

SugarTree Centro apartments.
Photo courtesy of SugarTree
‘Even for a big firm to undertake this many settlements in one day is a large undertaking.’ Says Rachael Stevenson, Practice Manager. ‘In October 2015 we settled sales of apartments in stage 1. This comprised 148 apartments and 15 retail units. It went smoothly because we were so organised. Stage 2 has taken things up another notch but our 18 strong team rose to the occasion and again it went well from both our own and the client’s perspective.’
Phase 3 of the development is already under construction, with groundworks complete. Read more about the SugarTree development.
There is no time for a breather following this busy start to the week. Tuesday 17th October is settlement day for Stage 4 of the Scott Point development at Hobsonville and on Wednesday 18th October, a significant subdivision in Flat Bush will settle.
All three projects comprised months and months of hard work and planning. To have them all fall on consecutive days is uncanny. A high volume of transactions is not an issue when you have the correct systems and processes in place but sustaining the pace over three consecutive days is a new challenge for the team. AlexanderDorrington is fast making a name for itself as the small firm that really delivers.
If you have a development project you need an expert legal partner on, don’t hesitate to contact us.